Merlot Day.
Today was merlot (and other reds) day at the classes I've been taking at NWS.
Montevina Amador County Barbera
Covey Run Merlot
Geyser Peak Merlot
Franciscan Napa Merlot
Genofranco Syrah
Francis Coppola Syrah/Shiraz
Penfold's "Koonunga Hill" Shiraz
Bogle Petite Sirah
In my humble opinion, there was nothing really special about the barbera, Covey Run, Geyser Peak, and Penfold's Koonunga. It's not that they weren't good; they just weren't exceptional. The Sicilian would be a real European training wine - it's thin and tannic with really subdued fruits like any old-world wine without all the consuming soil of a French wine. It's interesting but I sure wouldn't want to have to drink too much of it.

Thank God we got to the Franciscan Napa Merlot. Everything until then was quick and weak and a little fruity. Franciscan, on the other hand, manages to make a decent, heavy merlot (Rambo suggested that their merlot was aimed at cabernet drinkers). Not only are there more interesting and developed fruits, but they are balanced with tannins; as the fruit fades back in the palate allowing the tannins to seem to swell and linger. Really interesting wine.

The Coppola Syrah/Shiraz (Both are the same grape. It's up to the wine maker to decide which will sell better. Apparently the folks at Coppola think that both will sell better.) was paired with the Sicilian, which made Coppola's wine seem even more full and balanced. I noted that it might even be a little bit fat. I should try this on it's own, with some thick red pasta sauce and eggplant parmesean.

The Bogle Petite Sirah could have been the highlight of the night. Well, if I had the Franciscan after seven other wines I might have liked it more. But this petite sirah is by far the most interesting wine of the night. It is sweeter than standard syrah and merlot, inkier and more extracted from those tiny little grapes. The nose is deceptive; it's sort of earthy or organic with dried leaves and vanilla from the oak barells. There's the tiniest hint of cherries on the back of the tongue underneath a inky, jammy, tightly packed wine. It lasts, but not too long. I've got a bottle of Concannon Petite Sirah sitting around here somewhere. Looking forward to it.